Relaxrecover mPulse Sauna
You want to take care of your heart.
Good circulation is critical to your overall health. We understand how hard it can be to make the lifestyle changes you need to fight genetics. Or simply to stay on track with all the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy as long as possible.
Our mPulse Saunas make it pleasant and effective, and science supports using a mPulse infrared sauna regularly as part of a healthy lifestyle can be good for your heart.
Get a passive cardio workout while you relax.
Infrared sauna sessions raise your heart rate and increase circulation. This replicates a cardiovascular workout we term “passive cardio.” In fact, blood flow during infrared sauna use may rise from a normal rate of 5 litre per minute to up to 12 litres per minute. A stronger cardiovascular system helps capillaries deliver more oxygen to muscle cells. For people with injuries or conditions precluding them from cardio activity.
Relaxrecover Saunas saunas can help serve as an alternative for needed cardio benefits.